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2025 Journey of Hope: Jordan, Israel, Palestine Biblical Tour

Jun. 11 - Jun. 22

the Western Wall and Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with the Dome of the Rock visible in the background under a clear sky
Celebrate God’s faithfulness as you visit biblical sites with a worshiping band of pilgrims who seek the peacemaking way of Jesus. Follow the Israelites’ route to Canaan and see the fabulous ruins of Petra. Stand atop Mt. Nebo from which Moses viewed the land and descend to the Jordan where Joshua parted waters. Walk where John baptized and climb to the fortress where he died. Sing carols at Bethlehem, pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, go to the Upper Room, and share communion at a first-century garden tomb. Explore Nazareth where Jesus was raised, hear beatitudes on a hill next to Capernaum, and ascend to the heights of Masada. Renew your commitment to mission at Caesarea where Peter shared the gospel with a centurion. Nelson Kraybill will guide this journey with pastoral sensitivity and reflection on current justice issues.

At a Glance

  • June 11 - 22, 2025
  • 12 Days


June 11  |  Amman
Arrive in Amman, Jordan, settle into your hotel, and gather to enjoy the first of many meals together. With a population of more than 2 million, Amman is the political and cultural centre of Jordan. It is also one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

June 12  |  Amman
Tour the ancient Citadel of Amman (Biblical Rammah) and the Roman city of Jerash.

June 13  |  Petra
Ascend the heights of Mount Nebo, where Moses surveyed the Promised Land that he could not enter. See Herod the Great’s mountaintop fortress of Machaerus, likely where John the Baptist was killed. Stop at the Byzantine Church which contains the oldest map of Palestine, dating to the 6th century. Follow the ancient Kings Highway south into the biblical land of Moab—home of Ruth from the Old Testament. Learn about the Israelites’ trek through this region on their way to the Promised Land, as well as the story of Balaam and his talking donkey. Stop for the night in Petra (called Seir in the Bible).

June 14  |  Dead Sea
Take in the grandeur of Petra, an ancient trade centre and burial grounds of the Nabataean people during New Testament times. See amazing temple-like tombs chiselled from rose-coloured sandstone at this world-famous site. Then travel to the Dead Sea and relax as you float in its buoyant salty waters.

June 15  |  Dead Sea
Explore the Jordan River valley, the site of many pivotal biblical events. See where the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land and remember that God miraculously parted the waters for his chosen people. View the traditional spot where Elijah was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. See where John the Baptist preached in the wilderness and where the heavens opened as Jesus was baptized.

June 16  |  Tiberias, Israel
Cross from Jordan into Israel via Allenby Bridge and drive to ancient Jericho and take a cable car up Mount of Temptation. Drive north through the Jordan Valley and head inland to ancient Jezreel Valley —where King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard. Also pass by Mount Gilboa where Saul fell in battle. Continue to Harod Spring where Gideon chose his best soldiers. Continue north to the Sea of Galilee and stop at Magdala if time permits on the way north along the shores of the Sea of Galilee to your guest house.

June 17  |  Tiberias
Drive along the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum, where we visit the synagogue and the place where early Christians remembered Peter’s house. We continue to Tabgha (short for Heptapagon, “seven springs”) to view the mosaics in the Church of the Loaves and Fishes. Enjoy a St. Peter’s Fish Lunch. Ascending the Mt. of Beatitudes, we listen to Jesus’ teachings. On an ancient trade route, we pass Hazor and then go on to Dan. Here we do a nature walk and visit the high place where Jeroboam son of Nebat set up a golden calf. We continue to Caesarea Philippi (Banias), where Peter answered Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?” Our route then takes us over the Golan Heights, skirting Mt. Hermon, with a view toward Damascus. We end the day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.

June 18  |  Jerusalem
Take leave of the Sea of Galilee, ascending to the city of Nazareth.  As we look across at Mount Tabor, Mt. Carmel. Mount Gilboa, the Hill of Moreh and the Gilead, we reflect on how Jesus, as a young man in Nazareth was inspired by the acts of God that occurred here as he prepared himself for his mission. Descend to Nazareth Village for a parable walk, and visit a replica of a first-century synagogue. Explore nearby ancient Sepphoris, where Jesus may have been employed as a young man. Visit the Church of the Annunciation to see the traditional place where the angel visited Mary. Next, we cross the Valley of Jezreel to the ancient Har-Megiddo or Ar-mageddon, dominating the vital crossroads where so many battles have taken place. This afternoon, we continue through the narrow pass to the Mediterranean Sea at Caesarea, visiting the aqueduct, the ancient Herodian harbor, the remains of the seaside palace of Pontius Pilate and the theater. With the conversion of Cornelius by St. Paul (Acts 10), this impressive Roman harbor became the beachhead of the Christian mission to the Gentiles. We then continue through the Sharon Plain and ascend to the Holy City of Jerusalem. We catch our first glimpse of the city from Mount Scopus.

June 19  |  Jerusalem
Travel to Bethlehem for a look at the Church of the Nativity and Shepherds’ Field. Visit Bethlehem Bible College for a faculty lecture. Be served lunch at the college ($15 USD per person), and peruse the college’s gift shop. At the Israel Museum, an extensive model will give you a bird’s eye view of ancient Jerusalem. Also, see the Shrine of the Book. See the Pool of Siloam at the edge of the Old City of David, which was rediscovered and excavated in 2004. Step into a medieval building with an Upper Room commemorating the Last Supper.

June 20  |  Jerusalem
Head down to the desert for a visit to Masada, the magnificent site of Herod’s palaces and of the last stand of the Jews who rebelled against Rome (AD 66-73). At Qumran, survey the ruins of the first-century radical Jewish community in the desert that produced the Dead Sea Scrolls found in caves nearby. Later, learn from MCC workers in Jerusalem.

June 21  |  Jerusalem
From the Mount of Olives—where Jesus often retreated—get a panoramic view of Jerusalem. Pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Pause at the Western Wall (also known as the Wailing Wall) in the Old City. Walk along the Via Dolorosa, and visit the Tower of David Museum to see the Kishle—the possible location of the Praetorium where Jesus faced Pilate. Celebrate communion in the Garden Tomb. Reminisce about your tour over a farewell dinner together.

June 22  |  Jerusalem
Depart for home with rich new insights about your faith and the Bible.

​Frequently Asked Questions

How much walking will I do on this tour?

This tour is rated as “Active”. Expect up to 2-3 hours of walking each day, including well-paced walking tours with breaks on the coach to drive from one destination to the next. Be aware that this tour involves a few challenging hikes (especially due to the heat), however, travellers may choose to stay on the coach and will still be able to see sites from a distance. Please carefully consider if this level of activity will be feasible for you before you register.

Please note: itinerary subject to change.

For further information, please contact us. We would be happy to be of assistance.

Tour Fare

2025 Journey of Hope: Jordan, Israel, Palestine Biblical Tour – Tour Fare

Double Occupancy:

 Registration date Tour Fare per person Savings per person
 Before December 11, 2024* $4,447 USD /  $5,559 CAD Early bird discount of $600 USD / $800 CAD
 On and after December 11, 2024   $5,047 USD /  $6,359 CAD N/A
*Discount applies when our office receives your registration and deposit.

Single Supplement:

$1,526 CAD / $1,090 USD

What do “Double Occupancy” and “Single Supplement” mean for my tour fare?
The price for a tour listed under “Double Occupancy” means the amount paid per person if you are sharing a room with another traveller, such as your spouse or a travel partner. If you prefer to have a single hotel room to yourself, the “Single Supplement” is an additional amount to cover the extra cost charged by the hotels for a single room. To determine your amount owing for the tour as a single traveller, you will need to add together the tour fare PLUS the single supplement. 

Important note: Costs could increase if you sign up less than 90 days before a tour begins

Fare Includes:

  • Hotel accommodations while on tour
  • Land transportation within the tour
  • Group airport transfers
  • Entrance fees as per itinerary
  • All breakfasts, all dinners
  • Expert tour leaders and local guides
  • Jordan Visa fee
  • Gratuities for drivers, guides, and group meals

Fare excludes:

  • International airfare and all associated fees
  • Airport transfers if separate from the group
  • Lunches
  • Beverages with meals
  • Any additional or optional activities
  • Insurance


Travel medical (out-of-country emergency) insurance and cancellation/interruption insurance are not mandatory but are highly recommended. Click here to learn more about insurance services we offer.


All rates shown are in effect at time of printing (March 2024). Although every effort is made to maintain the prices as established, TourMagination does reserve the right to adjust prices on this tour should it become necessary. For your convenience, we accept online credit card payments.